Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out of the mold to complete the process.
Najpogostejši kovini, obdelani za ulivanje, so aluminij in litoželezo. Za izdelavo ulitkov v livarnah pa se uporabljajo tudi druge kovine, kot so nerjaveče jeklo, legirano jeklo, bron, medenina, magnezij in cink.
Casting is most commonly used for making complex shapes that would be difficult or uneconomical to make via other methods. The casting process typically includes 4 steps - cutting, forming, assembling, and surface treatment.
-Izdelava plesni
In the casting process, a pattern is made in the shape of the desired part. Simple designs can be made in a single piece or solid pattern. More complex designs are made in two parts, called split patterns. The pattern is made of wax, wood, plastic, or metal. The molds are constructed through several different processes depending on the type of foundry, metal to be casted, the number of parts to be produced, size of the casting, and complexity of the casting.
- Melting
Melting is performed in a furnace. The process includes melting the charge, refining the melt, adjusting the melt chemistry, and tapping into a transport vessel. Refining is done to remove harmful gases and elements from the molten metal to avoid casting defects.
V livarni se staljena kovina vlije v kalupe. Nalivanje lahko izvedemo z gravitacijo ali pa mu pomagamo z vakuumskim plinom ali plinom pod pritiskom.
- Shakeout
The solidified metal component is then removed from its mold. Where the mold is sand-based, this can be done by shaking or tumbling.
- Degating
Degatacija je odstranitev glav, tekačev, vrat in riserjev z ulitka. Tekače, vrata in dvižne roke lahko odstranite z rezalnimi gorilniki, tračnimi žagami ali keramičnimi rezalnimi listi.
-Toplotna obdelava
Toplotna obdelava je skupina industrijskih in kovinskih procesov, ki se uporabljajo za spreminjanje fizikalnih in včasih kemičnih lastnosti materiala.
-Čiščenje površin
After degating and heat treatment, sand or other molding media may remain adhered to the casting. To remove any mold remnants, the surface is cleaned using a blasting process. Numerous materials may be used to clean cast surfaces, including steel, iron, other metal alloys, aluminum oxides, glass beads, walnut shells, baking powder, and many others.
The final step in the process of casting usually involves grinding, sanding, or machining the component to achieve the desired dimensional accuracies, physical shape, and surface finish.
Tehnične specifikacije
-Material za ulivanje
Železo, blago jeklo, legirano jeklo, nerjaveče jeklo, aluminij, bron, medenina in cink.
-Na voljo so naslednji postopki za izdelavo ulitkov po naravi zasnove.
ØUlivanje peska - pesek iz zelene ali smole.
ØLost-foam casting — Polystyrene pattern with a mixture of ceramic and sand mold.
ØInvestment casting — Wax or similar sacrificial pattern with a ceramic mold.
ØCeramic mold casting — Plaster mold.
ØVlivanje z V-postopkom - sesanje s termoformirano plastiko za oblikovanje peščenih kalupov. Brez vlage, gline ali smole.
ØUlivanje pod tlakom - kovinski kalup.
ØUlivanje gredic (ingotov) - preprost kalup za izdelavo kovinskih ingotov, običajno za uporabo v drugih livarnah.
Poleg tega, da našim strankam zagotavljamo ulitke, mostof izdelkov Auwell ponuja tudi nadaljnjo obdelavo in obdelavo površin.
Forging is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of metal using localized compressive forces. Generally, Auwell does not offer forging, but only using forged parts as pre-material for further processing.
-Bogate izkušnje
More than 20 years of experience in casting products development and production, especially to the European and North American markets, with solid understanding of the material, technical and quality standards worldwide.
-Hiter preobrat
Generally, we provide a quotation within 3 working days. Combining the latest manufacturing technologies and facilities, Auwell can provide fast prototypes in just 2 weeks for simple projects.
-Celovit ponudnik rešitev
Auwell ponuja celovite storitve za ulitke, od zasnove, oblikovanja prototipov, razvoja orodij / naprav, vzorčenja, množične proizvodnje do logistike in poprodajne podpore.
-Rigid QC Policies
The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection. For quality control of casting parts, we provide set of test reports including chemical components, mechanical property, X-ray test, metallographic analysis report etc. For dimension inspection, we offer 3D scanning report, also CMM is available for inspection. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.
-Flexible Payment Term
Plačila za orodja morajo biti vnaprej plačana. Za množično proizvodnjo ponujamo prilagodljive plačilne pogoje, podani bodo razumni kreditni pogoji, stranka plača le, če je zadovoljna s prejetim izdelkom. Za dolgoročne projekte ponujamo storitve odpoklicnega inventarja za potrebe hitre dostave.
Casting fabrication products have widely been used in almost all industrial sectors including:
- Aerospace and defense
- Automotive
-Kmetijski stroji
- Energy
- Construction
- Industrial
- Consumer Products
The following catalogues of casting products are the ones which Auwell has produced and supplied to our distinguished worldwide clients. Please click the relevant pictures for details. Please be advised, most of the products are for demonstration purpose only.
Investicijski livarski deli s površinskim poliranjem. Auwell izdelan po naročilu, ima bogate izkušnje pri uporabi optimiziranega postopka za izdelavo kakovostnega izdelka po konkurenčni ceni.
Casted and machined body part for machinery. Custom made machinery body product, Auwell has rich experience in utilizing optimized process to produce the quality product at competitive price.
Po meri izdelani deli za litje iz nerjavečega jekla 1.4462 Duplex za bazen